Concept and Information

Mobilisation is a process where Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) are called back for operational duties in times of war or national emergency.

Based on operational demands, your NS unit will be placed on varying readiness of Manning at least once a year. During the assigned Manning period, you are required to be on standby for mobilisation. To test the operational readiness of your NS units in peacetime, you will be activated for mobilisation exercises regularly during the Manning period. Generally, mobilisation can occur at any time and requires full support from yourself, your family and your employer.


Types of Activation

You could be activated via a silent or an open mobilisation through the following channels:

  1. Silent Mobilisation

    Telephone (mobile, home and/or office number as per records) and SMS. If you cannot be contacted through these channels, you will be contacted through a Mobilisation Order (SAF 98A/B – used during actual operations) or Mobilisation Notice (SAF 98C/D – used for practice) that is served to your home.

  2. Open Mobilisation

    Each unit will be pre-assigned with codewords that will be used when your unit is being mobilised. Your unit codewords will be broadcasted through the mass media such as television, radio and cinemas, in addition to notification via: Telephone (mobile, home and/or office numbers as per records) and SMS. Similarly, you will be notified via official written notices (SAF A/B/C/D) if you cannot be contacted through these broadcast channels.