Auto-Generated MUP Claim for Employed NSmen using CPF Data

Scenario Calculations

*Auto-generated MUP claims will not be computed for IPPT, NS FIT and mobilisation activities. 

Employed NSman on 5-day work week, attending a High-Key ICT

Period of NS Activity: 3 to 14 Oct 2022

Calendar days for NS Activity: 12 days

Total number of calendar days in Oct: 31 days

Working days for NS Activity: 10 days

Total working days in Oct 2022: 21 days (inclusive of 1 day of Public Holiday) 

Calculation (Figures used are for illustration purposes only)

Service Pay (SP) (Based on Calendar Days)

Monthly SP: $990

SP for NS Activity period: $990 x (12/31) = $383.23

Civilian Income Loss (Based on Working Days)

Ordinary Wages (OW) for Aug 2022 retrieved from CPF Board: $3,000

OW loss for NS activity period: $3,000 x (10/21) = $1,428.57

Aggregated Additional Wages (AW) for 12 months retrieved from CPF Board: $14,000

Average Monthly AW: $14,000 / 12 = $1,166.67

AW loss for NS activity period: $1,166.67 x (10/21) = $555.56

Total civilian income loss for NS activity period: $1,428.57 + $555.56 = $1,984.13

Make-Up Pay = Civilian Income Loss – SP

MUP = $1,984.13 – $383.23 = $1,600.90

If employer is registered with the DIRECT scheme, NSman continues to be paid per his employer’s regular pay schedule. $1,984.13 (civilian income loss) will be credited to the employer. 

If employer is not registered with the DIRECT scheme, $1,984.13 (civilian income loss) will be credited directly to NSman. Employer will separately deduct from NSman’s monthly salary based on the time they spend away from work for their ORNS activity.