Types of NS Call-Ups

In-Camp Training (ICT)

Every ICT aims to refresh and improve your specific vocation skill set, and may be conducted differently across the formations. Prior to your ICT, your unit’s commander will chart out a set of performance objectives in order to maintain operational readiness. You are encouraged to mentally and physically prepare for each ICT so as to ensure that you are able to meet these training objectives.


Make-Up Training (MUT)

You may be called up for MUT under the following circumstances:

  1. You were unable to attend your scheduled ICT and had obtained deferment from training due to personal or work obligations
  2. You failed to meet the required performance standards during your ICT

Tip: You are strongly encouraged to clear your MUT within the same Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) work-year in order to complete your ORNS training cycle smoothly, with minimal disruption to your personal and employment schedule. This will ensure that your call-ups are spread out over required time-frames for you to fulfil.


If you defer your ICT in work-year April 2016 to March 2017 and participate in a High Key (HK) MUT in the following work-year April 2017 to March 2018, you are considered to have participated in 1 HK ICT in work-year April 2016 to March 2017.

If you get called up again for a HK ICT in work-year April 2017 to March 2018, this second HK ICT that you participate in will count towards your ORNS training cycle for work-year April 2017 to March 2018.

In this case, you have to take time off your personal and work schedule to serve 2 HK ICTs in work-year April 2017 to March 2018.



Every course aims to equip you with specific skills required to perform your roles or vocation in the unit. Similarly with ICT, you are encouraged to mentally and physically prepare for each course to ensure that you are able to meet its objectives.



You could also be called up for briefings (e.g. for ICT, mobilisation, etc.), medical reviews, etc. These activities are required to support your fulfilment of your NS duty, and will normally last between a half day and a full day.